Monday, 15 July 2013


I know I havent posted in a really long time.... Theres just been so much going on..... I think I saw Der Großman. Im really not sure. The box has been getting really pushy. I woke up with it actually on top of my need this morning. It really scared me. I started recording myself like Med said to. Im the one thats been writing the rune things. I cant remember a lot of things I do on the camera.

And..... I really cant remember the past week. At all.


  1. Memory loss is a common side effect of his presence. Hang in there.

    Any idea what the box wants?

    1. I think it wants me to do this really weird ritual thing. There are instructions for it in the journal.

  2. These runes are written with regular ink right? No blood involved?

    1. um.... I dont know. It looks like its handwritten but i dont know. would it look different if it was written with something that not really regular ink?

    2. Well it would have a reddish color I suppose....

    3. Only if it was fresh. Blood on paper dries to a brown colour, like a coffee stain.

  3. Crap. I'm sorry you saw it. To make the memory loss easier, record what you're doing, it won't bring memories back but it will make it a bit easier to get by.

    1. I dont really know if I saw it. I just know that in one of the videos I took I stopped at stared at a window for like an hour and the camera went insane.

  4. I wanna see these runes, kid. Any idea what they say, or what language they are?

    God... if they're runes AND language, I'm probably screwed...... Then again.... German most likely, if in an identifiable language..... hmm....

    Babbling again. Sorry.

    1. I can post a picture in my next post if you want

  5. Well, you're alive, guess that's good, huh? As for the memory loss, it can be very disconcerting at first. Took me a while to get used to. Any idea on what is inside the box?
